The 6th Annual L.O.V.E. Is The Answer Day celebration takes place 9/17/24. This annual international event celebrates putting love into action through random acts of kindness, celebrations, community cleanups, mural painting, music, games, speakers, and more. This year’s theme is “Bring L.O.V.E. to School.” Events this year will focus on entertaining, uplifting, inspiring, and empowering faculty, staff, and students — and will aim to reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by introducing more holistic support to student families in partnership with schools.
Itinerary for 6th Annual L.O.V.E. Is The Answer Day
TUESDAY 9/17/24
*** Globally, the action step we are asking people to do in every community is to take healthy snacks, beverages and other goodies, Starbucks gift cards, classroom supplies, inspirational posters and letters, and more items of affirmation to the faculty and staff lounges at schools worldwide on that day. Honor your favorite teacher in a special way with a restaurant gift card or other gift. Rally the community around the school janitor with some amazing gift or a collection of funds or a nice vacation getaway. Let your imagination run wild with fun and meaningful gestures in support of our educators. Let’s show teachers, janitors, kitchen staff, administrators, coaches and others some love for their hard work and dedication to our children! This will be a great day and a great way to kick off the school year.
Howard County, MD

Sample Topics

- 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Global Zoomcast (live from the Summit with cuts to people putting love into action around the world)
- 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Community Celebration of L.O.V.E. (location TBD) with music, food, art, games, spoken word, speakers, and the filming of the first episode of the L.O.V.E. Is The Answer TV series where we will surprise a family in need with cash and other blessings -- putting love into action!
Have questions? Want to participate in your community? Want to become a sponsor? Let’s talk!