Lead and Serve with L.O.V.E. Post Course Survey


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Welcome to Lead & Serve With L.O.V.E.

Please complete this short post course survey.


1.  Which of the below replies closely resemble how the course has changed or enhanced your perception of how love and leadership are connected? (Select all that apply)
2. How do you plan to "Lead & Serve With L.O.V.E." in your personal and professional life? (Check all that apply)
3.  Did this course help you develop any of the following skills? (Check all that apply)
4. The course materials have begun to help me understand the concepts of leading and serving with love?
5.  Would you recommend this course to others?

Why or why not?

6. How would you rate the effectiveness of the instructor?
7. Would you refer someone to take this course?

Why or why not?

8. Please share any additional feedback you may have. 

9. Can we use your feedback in our marketing efforts along with your name and company?

First and Last Name/Company


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